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announcements! For Chinese users, there is an option to connect to our Official WeChat Account:
Find team members. To help, check out our Slack or check the list of participants here.
Register your team:
using this Google form (recommended) or alternatively
using this Microsoft form. We will add you to the
submission system so you can start submitting solutions.
Please register a team only once, even if you plan to submit to multiple tracks.
If your team has more than 5 team members, we will ask you to describe the expertise and background of
each team member. We will refuse teams with more than 5 people that come from a single discipline only. We
ask teams to consider reasonable interdisciplinary team compositions; the organization reserves the right
to evaluate each case independently.
Get the code and
tutorial. Our Github repo provides simulation and reinforcement learning code, tutorials, calibration
details, evaluation and submission code, and more.
Read the technical white paper that explains the structure of the simulation, the mathematical
background, and calibration details.